Hello everyone. I’m Koyama, the president.
Today, the Beijing Olympics will be closing. I have enjoyed them very much. I love sports, so I can’t help but take an interest in them. In the past, I used to go skiing and snowboarding. So I have some idea of the great skills of the athletes.
There have been some memorable moments, starting with the gold medal won by Ryoyu Kobayashi. But there were also jumps, falls and mistakes. This was a result that will be remembered, not recorded. I thought that maybe it was just because the Olympics is a competition that the whole country pays more attention to than other world competitions, so even if there are some mistakes or things that happen in other games, they are not covered.
However, it is also true that there were political issues involved, such as the doping problem. The Olympics, like the World Cup, is a competition that the whole world is watching, so maybe it can’t be helped. But in some countries, if you win, you are safe for life and if you lose, you could be banned. That’s why some countries are so desperate.
The reason why I was able to watch so many live games, win or lose, was probably because I was restricted from going out due to the Corona disaster. In that sense, I have to be grateful for the situation.
Tomorrow, I’ll try to find something to look forward to.
大家好。 我是小山,总统。
今天,北京奥运会即将闭幕。 我非常喜欢它们。 我喜欢体育,所以我不由自主地对它们产生兴趣。 在过去,我经常去滑雪和滑雪板。 所以我对运动员的伟大技能有一些了解。
有一些令人难忘的时刻,首先是小林良玉赢得的金牌。 但也有跳跃、跌倒和错误。 这是一个将被记住的结果,而不是记录。 我想,也许只是因为奥运会是整个国家比其他世界比赛更关注的比赛,所以即使有一些错误或其他比赛中发生的事情,也不会被报道。
然而,也确实涉及到政治问题,如兴奋剂问题。 奥运会和世界杯一样,是全世界都在关注的比赛,所以也许这也是没办法的事。 但在一些国家,如果你赢了,你就会终身安全,如果你输了,你可能会被禁赛。 这就是为什么一些国家如此绝望的原因。
我之所以能够观看这么多现场比赛,无论输赢,可能是因为我因科罗纳灾难而被限制外出。 从这个意义上说,我必须对这种情况心存感激。
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