


大型案件動き出す Big projects start to take off






大家好。 我的名字是小山。

自去年夏天以来,我们一直在与客户进行谈判,而在3月,我们终于将开始全面运营。 我们仍有许多工作要做,但我们决心为我们的客户找到最终的解决方案。

将会有新的材料处理系统,我们将不得不准备。 由于我们不是一个大公司,我们需要追求的是如何用有限的资本有效地赚取利润。 它不像戴森,在那里你可以想花多少钱就花多少钱,想花多少年就花多少年。 即使你确信它将成为一个热门,一旦你的钱用完了,你就完了。 特别是对于中小型物流公司,我认为投资的唯一途径是相信托运人提出的商业模式。

几十年前我父亲当总统的时候,他花了一大笔钱装了一台分拣机。 然而,由于他是作为分包商工作的,当原承包商的一个客户来找我们公司时,他问原承包商,如果分包商在他前面,他应该怎么做,于是他把一模一样的分拣机放进去,把所有的工作拉出来。 由于我当时还是个孩子,我无从知道这台机器是在什么条件下推出的。 但也可能是在泡沫经济中,机器是在一时兴起的情况下安装的。 在任何情况下,我认为在进行大的投资时,必须谨慎行事。

从小事做起,不断积累。 我们想看看我们种在地里的种子会成长到什么程度,边走边投资一点水(和钱)。

Hello everyone. My name is Koyama.

We have been negotiating with our clients since last summer, and in March we will finally start full-scale operations. We still have a lot of work to do, but we are determined to find the ultimate solution for our customers.

There will be new material handling systems that we will have to prepare. As we are not a large company, we need to pursue how to make a profit efficiently with limited capital. It’s not like Dyson, where you can spend as much as you want for as many years as you want. Even if you are sure it will be a hit, once you run out of money, you are finished. Especially for small and medium-sized logistics companies, I think the only way to invest is to believe in the business model proposed by the shipper.

When my father was president, many decades ago, we spent a huge amount of money to put in a sorter. However, because he was working as a subcontractor, when a customer of the original contractor came to see our company, he asked the original contractor what he should do if the subcontractor was ahead of him, so he put in the exact same sorter and pulled out all the work. As I was a child at the time, I have no way of knowing under what conditions this machine was introduced. But it may be that, in the midst of the bubble economy, the machine was installed on the spur of the moment. In any case, I think it’s important to be cautious about making big investments.

Start small and build up. We want to see how much the seeds we plant in the ground will grow, investing a little water (and money) as we go.





〒335-0027 埼玉県戸田市氷川町3-1-23

TEL:048-229-1144 FAX:048-447-9370


〒335-0027 埼玉県戸田市氷川町3-5-7

TEL:048-229-1144 FAX:048-447-9370

