・Prime Readingで無償の本を読むことができる。夢もかなえるゾウも、これで読み知りました。営業目的(続編を買わせる)もあるのでしょうが、とりあえず読んでみようと思うものを読めるのが良いです。試し読み⤵も良い。
Hello everyone. I’m Koyama, the president.
Today is the first day of the week and snow was forecasted, but when I woke up this morning, there was no accumulation, which was a relief. For the past few years, there has been no solid snowfall in the Kanto area, so I’m wondering if global warming is progressing, and I’m going to do my own SDGs.
Well, a lot has happened at work today, and I’d like to write about the goodness of the Kindle. First of all, let me say that I prefer paper books. I also deal with publishing logistics in my work, so I’m in a position where the paper market has to thrive. But I still use my Kindle from time to time, and here are some of the advantages
I can download the book I want to read and read it immediately. With paper books, you can go to a bookstore or order from AMAZON and get it the next day at the earliest. With the Kindle, you can read it in a few minutes.
With Prime Reading, you can read books for free. This is also how I learned to read The Dream Also Comes True. I’m sure there is a sales purpose (to get you to buy the sequel), but it’s good to be able to read something you might want to try anyway. It is also good to read ⤵.
It is possible to read in a dark place.
You don’t have to carry around a paper book.
When you find a word you don’t understand, you can search it right away. I’m currently reading “The Legend of the Three Kingdoms”. It’s very easy to use.
…There are many good things about paper books too. My eyes don’t get tired. You can flip through the book as you feel like reading. You are drawn into the world of the book.
I believe that new services will continue to appear in the world. We want to take them on board and experience what they have to offer.
In my blog the other day, I misspelled “konnyaku konnyaku” in Doraemon’s tool. The correct expression was “Honyaku Konnyaku”.
Thank you, Ms. I, for pointing it out. I thought it was “konnyaku konnyaku” until now…
大家好。 我是小山,总统。
今天是本周的第一天,预测会下雪,但是当我今天早上醒来时,没有积雪,这让我松了一口气。 在过去的几年里,关东地区一直没有实实在在的降雪,所以我在想全球变暖是否正在进展,我打算做自己的SDGs。
好吧,我今天在工作中遇到了很多事情,我想写一下Kindle的好处。 首先,让我说,我更喜欢纸质书。 我在工作中也与出版物流打交道,所以我所处的位置是纸质市场必须繁荣的地方。 但我仍然不时地使用我的Kindle,以下是一些优点
我可以下载我想看的书并立即阅读。 对于纸质书,我可以去书店或从AMAZON订购,第二天就能拿到。 有了Kindle,你可以在几分钟内读完它。
通过Prime阅读,你可以免费阅读书籍。 这也是我学会阅读《梦想也成真》的原因。 我确信有一个销售目的(让你购买续集),但无论如何,能够读到你可能想尝试的东西是好的。 阅读⤵也是一件好事。
当你发现一个你不理解的单词时,你可以马上搜索它。 我目前正在读《三国演义》。 它非常容易使用。
……纸质书也有很多好的地方。 我的眼睛不会疲劳。 你可以随心所欲地翻阅这本书。 你被吸引到书中的世界。
我相信,新的服务将继续出现在这个世界上。 我们想把他们带在身边,体验他们所能提供的服务。
前几天我在博客中犯了一个错误,我在哆啦A梦的工具中写了 “Konnyaku Konnyaku”。正确的名称是 “Honyaku Konnyaku”。谢谢你指出这一点,I小姐。我一直以为是 “Konnyaku Konnyaku”,直到现在才明白。
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〒335-0027 埼玉県戸田市氷川町3-5-7
TEL:048-229-1144 FAX:048-447-9370