大家好。 我是小山,总统。
今天是周日,所以我很轻松。 今天早上,我又看了《星期一》(Gachiri Monday)。 今天的主题是一个名为 “拥有100多家店铺的盈利连锁店 “的特别专题。 最吸引我注意的是一家叫Casa Color的商店。 卡萨色彩公司专门负责染白发,在过去的几年里,他们已经增加到100家店。 在发廊里,染白头发大约需要6000日元,但他们可以用大约2440日元来做。 看来,最便宜的价格对客户来说是最有吸引力的。 至于服务,它是最小的,他们甚至用自己的吹风机来吹干头发。
这让我想起前几天读到的 “蓝海战略”:QB之家正试图以最少的服务、最少的时间和最少的价格来发展一家理发店。 QB之家是一家服务最少、时间最少、价格最少的理发店。 我以为卡萨色是同样的策略。
仓储企业的蓝海战略会是什么样子? 我们会减少其他服务,让客户为我们做,只做我们自己能做的最低限度的事情,并将我们的价格压得很低。
Hello everyone. I’m Koyama, the president.
Today is Sunday, so I took it easy. This morning, I watched Gachiri Monday again. Today’s theme was a special feature called “Profitable chain shops with over 100 shops”. The one that caught my attention the most was a shop called Casa Color. Casa Color specializes in dyeing gray hair, and in the past few years they have increased to 100 shops. At the hair salon, it costs about 6,000 yen to dye white hair, but they can do it for about 2,440 yen. It seems that the cheapest price is the most attractive for customers. As for the service, it’s minimal, and they even use their own hair dryer to dry their hair.
It reminded me of the Blue Ocean strategy I read the other day: QB House is trying to develop a barbershop with minimal service, minimal time and minimal price. QB House is a barbershop with minimal services, minimal hours and minimal prices. I thought Casa Color was the same strategy.
What would a blue ocean strategy look like for a warehouse business? We would whittle down the other services and let the customer do it for us, doing only the minimum we could do ourselves, and keeping our prices overwhelmingly low.
Storage charges…………….
Rent… you can use the available space as you like.
No inspection, no boxing, no packing (no shampooing) – Distribution processing (work charge)
Delivery fee… You can carry the goods at any time, and you can deliver them when our car is free.
If we stop the services we have been doing, we would like to specialize in some services only, and if we can reduce the price, we would like to think of a service that can attract customers with it.
〒335-0027 埼玉県戸田市氷川町3-1-23
TEL:048-229-1144 FAX:048-447-9370
〒335-0027 埼玉県戸田市氷川町3-5-7
TEL:048-229-1144 FAX:048-447-9370