Hello everyone. My name is Koyama and I am the President.
Today, we had our monthly meeting to discuss how to manage the large projects that will start in March. The general direction was decided.
The other item on the agenda was the review of the business strategy and personnel assessment for the 54th term. At the last meeting, I had exchanged opinions with the heads of the departments about the content of this for the next term.
The attached document is the four pillars of our business strategy. The pillars of our business are leasing, storage, distribution processing and delivery. Why do you want to work with us? (This is the idea behind the recent marketing campaign.) What is the size of our business for the next year and what do we want to become (our future vision)? What do we need to do to increase our sales (selection and focus)? The last one, “selection and concentration”, is about what we should focus on with our limited resources, just as USJ focused on the Harry Potter area. If I see an opportunity to grow in a business that I want to do, I will invest in it.
A big man said the other day “without numbers it’s a hobby and a game” and today we had a meeting with numbers in mind. In next month’s meeting, we will further refine our business strategy by including numerical targets.
大家好。 我的名字是小山,我是主席。
今天,我们召开了月度会议,讨论如何管理将于3月开始的大型项目。 大方向已经决定。
另一项议程是审查第54届的经营战略和人事考核。 在上次会议上,我曾与各部门负责人就下一届的内容交换了意见。
所附文件是我们业务战略的四大支柱。 我们业务的支柱是租赁、储存、分销加工和交付。 你为什么想与我们合作? (这是最近的营销活动背后的想法。)明年我们的业务规模是多少,我们想成为什么(我们的未来愿景)? 我们需要做什么来增加我们的销售(选择和重点)? 最后一个,”选择和集中”,是关于我们应该用有限的资源集中在什么地方,就像USJ集中在哈利波特领域。 如果我看到我想做的生意有发展的机会,我就会投资它。
有一天,一位大人物说:”没有数字,它就是一个爱好和游戏。”今天,我们开了一个以数字为核心的会议。 在下个月的会议上,我们将进一步细化我们的业务战略,包括数字目标。
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