


本当にあった怖い話(少しずつ崩れていく)Scary stories that really happened (falling apart little by little)







大家好。 我是小山,总统。

今天我参加了船井研究所举办的物流供应商管理学习班。 今天的研讨会内容非常丰富,我想介绍一下其中一个主题。

我想谈谈其中一个话题,那就是如果事情一点一点地崩溃,以后就没有办法再恢复了。 假设你有一系列的产品,当你在挑选的时候,你碰到了另一个产品,它就会被替换掉。 你是修复它还是让它保持现状? 如果托盘堆放在一起,你是让它们保持原状,还是将它们妥善固定? 他谈到,即使是一个简单的物品错位,也会导致逐渐的失准,最终导致不可逆的失准。 例如,在优衣库,顾客伸手去拿店里的衣服,把它们打开,看一看,然后再放回去。 但我们没有把它们整齐地折叠起来,放在正确的位置上。 当顾客把衣服放回原处时,店员迅速赶来,把衣服叠得整整齐齐,再放回原来的位置。 在一家手机店,顾客从显示屏上拿起一部新的手机,并将其放回原处。 然后,店员将归还的手机重新放置在它看起来最合适的角度。

我听说,以这种方式维持一个高质量的车间是很重要的。 另一方面,有一个关于一家煎饼店变坏的故事……一家真正的煎饼店,非常美味,人们曾经去那家店。 但现在它变得很糟糕,他不再去那里了。 在他看来,他们可能用低价的成分代替了这些成分。 他们改变了很多东西,首先是配料,现在的食物与过去的完全不同。

我查了一下这家餐厅,它还在那里。 我不知道这是否是蓬勃发展,但球迷这样想是非常令人失望的。

我也希望在对网站抱有更多期望之前,先改善我周围的环境质量。 如果我可以这么说的话,我认为我的周围环境已经变得更干净了。 好的是,我不想只是做这个,我想成为最好的。

Hello everyone. I’m Koyama, the president.

Today I attended the Logistics Provider Management Study Group held by Funai Research Institute. Today’s workshop was very rich in content, and I would like to introduce one of the topics.

I would like to talk about one of the topics, which is that if things fall apart little by little, there is no way to get them back later. Suppose you have a line of products and when you are picking them, you hit another product and it gets displaced. Do you fix it or leave it as it is? If pallets are stacked on top of each other, do you leave them as they are or fix them properly? He talked about how even a simple misplacement of an item can lead to a gradual loss of alignment, and eventually to an irreversible loss of alignment. At UNIQLO, for example, customers reach for the clothes in the shop, open them up, look at them, and then put them back again. But we don’t fold them up neatly and put them in the right position. When the customer puts the clothes back, the shop assistant comes quickly and quickly, folds them up neatly and puts them back again in their original position. In a mobile shop, a customer picks up a new mobile phone from the display and puts it back in its place. The shop assistant then repositions the returned phone at the angle where it will look its best.

I’ve heard that it’s important to maintain a quality shop floor in this way. On the other hand, there is a story of a pancake shop that has gone bad… A real pancake shop, very tasty, and people used to go to that shop. But now it has become bad and he doesn’t go there any more. In his opinion, they might have replaced the ingredients with low cost ones. They have changed many things, starting with the ingredients, and the food is now completely different from what it used to be.

I looked up the restaurant and it is still there. I don’t know if it’s thriving, but it’s very disappointing that the fans think that way.

I would also like to improve the quality of my surroundings first before expecting more from the site. If I may say so myself, I think my surroundings have become cleaner. The good thing is that I don’t want to just do it, I want to be the best at it.





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