大家好。 这位是小山,总统。
今天,同一部门的两名员工在休假,所以我们不得不做很多工作。 我知道,但是他们中的一个人负责一项非常私人的工作,所以我们把这项工作外包给了一个承包商,并把它处理好了。
另一个人是团队的领导,所以没有人对工作进行优先排序,在现场有点混乱。 然而,在说明书中,写明了希望的交货日期,所以我们只得按照这个日期来工作。 还有一件事会更有帮助,那就是如果准备的人告诉现场的人交货日期的顺序。 我们比往常更多地访问了该地,以检查此类事情。
在公司里,如果你请了一天假,那是别人的问题,但如果发生了什么事,你就不能请假了。 作为一名雇员,我想知道是否因为担心这些情况而难以轻易请假。
对年轻人的招聘,社会的目光,带薪假期的使用……特别是在科罗纳之后,远程办公已经成为常态。 我认为未来的挑战是如何减少恶劣的工作环境。
Hello everyone. This is Koyama, the president.
Today, two employees in the same department were on holiday, so we had to do a lot of work. I know, but one of them was in charge of a very personal job, so we outsourced that job to a contractor and took care of it.
The other person was the leader of the team, so there was no one to prioritise the work, and it was a bit confusing on site. However, in the instructions, the desired delivery date is written, so we just had to work according to that. Another thing that would be more helpful would be if the person who prepared it told the people on site the order of delivery dates. We visited the site more than usual to check such things.
In a company, if you take a day off, it’s a problem for someone else, but if something happens, you can’t take a day off. As an employee, I wonder if it’s difficult to take time off easily because of concerns about these situations.
The recruitment of young people, the eyes of society, the use of paid holidays… Especially since Corona, working from home has become the norm. I think the challenge for the future is how to reduce the harsh working environment.
Today, the English and Chinese translations will be finished.
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